On contradictions in the theory of anthropogenic global warming
(1)Records of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels since 1940 show a continuing increase, but during this period, global temperature decreased until 1975, and has increased since then.
( 1 ) 大氣的二氧化碳(CO2)的記錄 從1940 演出起的水準一個繼續的增加,但是在這個時期,全球溫度減少直到1975, 並且從那以後已經增加。
(2)Theories of global temperature increase due to enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations predict that the temperature high in the troposphere should increase at the same rate as it has near the surface, but satellite and weather balloon data as of 2001 did not show this.
(3)The correlation between carbon dioxide levels and temperatures demonstrated by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth, while true, show that carbon dioxide increased after the increase in temperatures—calling into question the claim that that the rise in carbon dioxide levels are the cause of the observed increases in temperature.
(3)在二氧化碳水準和溫度之間的那些相互關係在不方便事實內以艾爾‧戈爾證明,, 真實時, 顯示二氧化碳增加, 的增加temperaturesalling 進問題那升高在二氧化碳水準是被觀察的在溫度內的增加的原因的聲明。
(4)Carbon dioxide levels increase or decrease due to temperatures increasing or decreasing rather than temperatures following carbon dioxide levels, because the Earth's oceans absorb carbon dioxide when they are cooler, and release it when they are warmer.
(4)二氧化碳水準由於增加的溫度增加或者減少或者減少而不是繼二氧化碳水準之後的溫度, 因為當他們更涼爽時,地球的海洋吸收二氧化碳,並且在他們更熱情時,釋放它。
Due to the large oceanic mass it takes decades or centuries for the reaction to temperature changes to occur, which is why analysis of the Vostok Station and other ice cores shows that changes in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide follow changes in global temperature, with a lag of 800 years.
由於大的海洋群眾對溫度變化的回應花幾十年或者世紀發生, 是為什麼Vostok 車站和其他冰核心的分析顯示那在大氣的二氧化碳的水準方面改變跟隨在全球溫度方面的變化, 由於800 年的落後。
(5)Water vapour makes up 95% of all greenhouse gases and is the component of the atmosphere that has the largest impact on the planet's temperature, through cloud formation and associated reflection of incoming solar heat.
(5)水蒸汽構成95%的全部溫室氣體並且是有對行星的溫度的大的影響的空氣的組成部分, 透過進來的太陽熱的雲層和相關反射。
Scientists cannot accurately model the effects of clouds when attempting to simulate future weather patterns and their effects on global warming.
(6)Carbon dioxide is only a very small percentage of the atmosphere (0.038%) and humans only contribute a small part of the total CO2 emissions in a year (less than 1%).
(6)二氧化碳只一空氣(0.038%)的小百分比 並且人只在一年(少於1%)內獻出一個總CO2 散發物的小的部分 .
Volcanos, on the other hand, produce more than all the cars and factories in the world.
火山, 另一方面,在世界上生產超過全部的汽車和工廠。
This means that human CO2 emissions cannot be the main cause of global warming.
這表明人CO2 散發物不能是全球變暖的主要原因。
(7)Solar activity is currently at a high level, and likely to be the cause of the current global warming.
The mechanism involves cosmic rays aiding cloud formation, and the solar wind deflects cosmic rays away from Earth during periods of high solar activity.
Solar activity levels are far more relevant than the small percentage of greenhouse gases being emitted by humans described in other theories.
(8)According to the work of Eigil Friis-Christensen, changes in solar activity match changes in global temperatures much more accurately than do changes in CO2 levels.
(8)根據Eigil弗裡斯-克裡史丹森的工作,比確實在CO2 水準方面改變更準確在在全球溫度方面的太陽能活動比賽變化方面的變化。
(9)The current warming is nothing unusual and was surpassed during the Medieval Warm Period.
This was a time of great prosperity in Europe, highlighting the beneficial effects of increased temperatures.